Wednesday 19 January 2011

Unit 7: understanding the creative media


In this task, we have produced a job interview. This task is important because we have to understand the interview techniques such as:  good communication, clear voice, have good eye contact, look interested and have firm handshake.
These things are important because they represent a smart, fully grown adult, which is reliable to be working in their company. These techniques are good in an interview because that’s where you express your knowledge and skills in life, for example; previous jobs you’ve completed, your personal skills in life and what’s the special things about you that you thing you should get employed.

The disadvantage of the candidate was that they didn’t have a loud voice, it wasn’t that bad but we should’ve used headset condenser to control the voice and fix the sound when it was low.  Also the camera shot were not that good because to make it look professional we should’ve filmed different shots such as; high and low angel, over the shoulder shots and close up.

Overall I think our interview was good, we had steady mid shots and long shots. We worked well together shared our ideas about what techniques we have to follow and what type of questions we should ask and answer in an interview. It worked well but the better things that could have happened are; better voice levels, more camera shots, and be gentler of the questions asked.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Structure and Ownership of Media Sector

                                    Photo restoration uk

photo restorationis about old photos renewing them and new images making them look old and high standered images. Photo restoration help change images by moving: 
  • Dirt, marks, stain damage removed from photos
  • Water damaged photos, mouldy photos salvaged
  • Folds, creases removed from photos
This is what it dose to your image, it something unique which not often people belive they can do all this to old images and bring the old memories back. Photo restoration also delivers a tailored outcome to both the public and local or international businesses. The service is designed to be cost effective, helping customers to view their memories in a new image.

This is an example of an old image photo restoration has made;

Shows a mouldy photo with water damage restored.

this is an amazaing image which helped the company carry on their work and look forward to making more and more images.This damp photo had water and mould damage and was stuck to the glass frame which it was in. The photo was scanned through the glass of the frame, as any attempt to peel it off would have caused further damage to the photo.

Creative Photo Restoration London East E1

Professional photographer shooting and image ownership rights

Wednesday 29 September 2010



TV is widely used in the media because its where they put all their work in and that's how the target audience see the media industry and get information and spend time on watching it.
TV is something which has been created in this world sense years and years TV was one of the must known media industry that people new. TV is something which all this people around the world have. Their isn't a house without a television so their for television is something important in life to have because that's what entertains all type of target audience.This job is a job full of entertainment because its used for transmitting and receiving moving images.

wanting to work in a TV industry you need to study this includes;

 - Learning the key ingredients for getting a start in TV
 - Discovering just how huge and diverse television is
 - Finding out exactly how a camera works
 - Meeting fantastically talented TV and showbiz types
 - Understanding what all the people on a TV show’s end credits do
 - Questioning TV execs who have the power to give you a job

TV industry  has lots of roles you can choice to work in such as; Off-Camera which means working behind the scenes to ensure well-being of participants. They discuss with the participants the implications of taking part and making sure each individual gives informed permission, On-Camera is the same as off-camera but on-camera will be filmed,exactly the same as the off-camera but the different is that off-camera is behind the scenes and on-camera is in the scenes taking action. Theres also times when its necessary to have a separation between what is said to the audience in public( on-camera) and what is said private(off-camera). Producer means broadcast the job of a TV producer extends far beyond the running of a TV show. it involves every aspect of production politics and etc. 

to become a television producer you need to have  a good knowledge to how the industry works and ideally you cant start straight in the media industry you want to work in but you need to first start in acting for TV, do audio work or camera work and directing TV shows. all of these TV jobs will eventually lead you to a carear producing.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Photo Imaging

Photo Imaging is an exciting job which thousand and thousands of people enjoy doing because this industry is all about focusing on something and making lots of images and photos out of it.

This industry needs lots of knowledge and concentration to work in the right way. Working in the media industry photo imaging, you need to now how to use all type of cameras and photoshops such as photo impact, editing images and etc. This is because when you work in a photo imaging company or shop you need to use those things to do your job in the correct way.

Photo imaging is a job which people all around the world need it and use it. This job is relevant everywhere, its an amazing job which often people love doing and not only that but also people with other jobs love doing this job because its fun and not a waste of time.
Photo Imaging is something which has been their for years and its still wanted, this job is something which brings lots of consumers. Photos are memories which you can take any moment in live and keep it for the whole of your life, and images are something you can imagine and make different pictures out of by your imagination.

This industry(photo imaging) is made up of nearly 14.000 companies, almost half of which are sole trading or freelance photographs, this means that photo imaging is something which everyone responds to in the media industry. photo imaging is a massive media industry which most of the target audiences want in live. Photo Imaging is not only about taking pictures of people and of yourself but also its about digitisation of photographs and also soft where to manipulate photos examples: Photo impacts or Photo shops etc. 

The production processes of photo imaging is when you take a photo then you edit it by putting it into photo shop and edit it for example: using lots of different types of tools which will make the image look better or different from how it was taken in the first place.