Wednesday 29 September 2010



TV is widely used in the media because its where they put all their work in and that's how the target audience see the media industry and get information and spend time on watching it.
TV is something which has been created in this world sense years and years TV was one of the must known media industry that people new. TV is something which all this people around the world have. Their isn't a house without a television so their for television is something important in life to have because that's what entertains all type of target audience.This job is a job full of entertainment because its used for transmitting and receiving moving images.

wanting to work in a TV industry you need to study this includes;

 - Learning the key ingredients for getting a start in TV
 - Discovering just how huge and diverse television is
 - Finding out exactly how a camera works
 - Meeting fantastically talented TV and showbiz types
 - Understanding what all the people on a TV show’s end credits do
 - Questioning TV execs who have the power to give you a job

TV industry  has lots of roles you can choice to work in such as; Off-Camera which means working behind the scenes to ensure well-being of participants. They discuss with the participants the implications of taking part and making sure each individual gives informed permission, On-Camera is the same as off-camera but on-camera will be filmed,exactly the same as the off-camera but the different is that off-camera is behind the scenes and on-camera is in the scenes taking action. Theres also times when its necessary to have a separation between what is said to the audience in public( on-camera) and what is said private(off-camera). Producer means broadcast the job of a TV producer extends far beyond the running of a TV show. it involves every aspect of production politics and etc. 

to become a television producer you need to have  a good knowledge to how the industry works and ideally you cant start straight in the media industry you want to work in but you need to first start in acting for TV, do audio work or camera work and directing TV shows. all of these TV jobs will eventually lead you to a carear producing.

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