Wednesday 15 September 2010


Photo Imaging

Photo Imaging is an exciting job which thousand and thousands of people enjoy doing because this industry is all about focusing on something and making lots of images and photos out of it.

This industry needs lots of knowledge and concentration to work in the right way. Working in the media industry photo imaging, you need to now how to use all type of cameras and photoshops such as photo impact, editing images and etc. This is because when you work in a photo imaging company or shop you need to use those things to do your job in the correct way.

Photo imaging is a job which people all around the world need it and use it. This job is relevant everywhere, its an amazing job which often people love doing and not only that but also people with other jobs love doing this job because its fun and not a waste of time.
Photo Imaging is something which has been their for years and its still wanted, this job is something which brings lots of consumers. Photos are memories which you can take any moment in live and keep it for the whole of your life, and images are something you can imagine and make different pictures out of by your imagination.

This industry(photo imaging) is made up of nearly 14.000 companies, almost half of which are sole trading or freelance photographs, this means that photo imaging is something which everyone responds to in the media industry. photo imaging is a massive media industry which most of the target audiences want in live. Photo Imaging is not only about taking pictures of people and of yourself but also its about digitisation of photographs and also soft where to manipulate photos examples: Photo impacts or Photo shops etc. 

The production processes of photo imaging is when you take a photo then you edit it by putting it into photo shop and edit it for example: using lots of different types of tools which will make the image look better or different from how it was taken in the first place.

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