Wednesday 19 January 2011

Unit 7: understanding the creative media


In this task, we have produced a job interview. This task is important because we have to understand the interview techniques such as:  good communication, clear voice, have good eye contact, look interested and have firm handshake.
These things are important because they represent a smart, fully grown adult, which is reliable to be working in their company. These techniques are good in an interview because that’s where you express your knowledge and skills in life, for example; previous jobs you’ve completed, your personal skills in life and what’s the special things about you that you thing you should get employed.

The disadvantage of the candidate was that they didn’t have a loud voice, it wasn’t that bad but we should’ve used headset condenser to control the voice and fix the sound when it was low.  Also the camera shot were not that good because to make it look professional we should’ve filmed different shots such as; high and low angel, over the shoulder shots and close up.

Overall I think our interview was good, we had steady mid shots and long shots. We worked well together shared our ideas about what techniques we have to follow and what type of questions we should ask and answer in an interview. It worked well but the better things that could have happened are; better voice levels, more camera shots, and be gentler of the questions asked.

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